Summer Show Entry

Entries should be submitted before Thursday 7st August.

Cost of entries is:
Members: 20p per entry | Non-members: 40p per entry | Children: Free
Late entries accepted BEFORE 10am on Sun 9th August @ 50p per entry

To submit your entries, either:
a) download the entry form (Word version: SHOW ENTRY FORM 2025) and email (or hand-deliver a print out) to one of:
Mrs L. Tate-Harte, Mrs Newman or Mrs Marie Barker (see Committee page for contact details);
b) use the online form below – tick the classes that you’d like to enter, then fill in your details and click ‘Send’…

    Entry classes

    Section 1 - Vegetables

    Section 2 - Flowers




    Summer Flowers

    Section 3 - Floral Art

    Section 4 - Domestic

    Section 5 - Photography

    Section 6 - Handicrafts

    Section 7 - Children's (up to and including 11 years) PLEASE ADD CHILD'S AGE IN NAME BELOW

    Membership Status

    Member: at least 1 year;    New Member: under 1 year;    Non Member: not yet a member
    MemberNew MemberNon Member


    When you have finished your entries above, provide your contact details below and click 'Send'.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone number (required)

    Your address

    I hereby agree to abide by the Rules of the Show and wish to exhibit in the class/classes as marked, and to pay the applicable entry fees [You can't enter until you've agreed to this]