Show Schedule

Word version: 2025 Show Schedule


Schedule for


(Open to non-members)


Staging  9am until 10.30am

Judging 11 am

Show opens to the Public @ 2pm

Cup presentations @ 4pm

Raffle & Auction @ 4.15pm


PHOTOGRAPHS: Please note that the Show is a popular local event and there may be a range of photographers taking photos. These images may be used in a variety of ways, personal use, publicity and reporting and on the Society’s website. If any person has an objection to having their image used they may contact a committee member at the time of the Show. Please note the Society can only be responsible for photographs officially taken on their behalf.





***For numbers for ANY OTHER vegetable or fruit as in 16 & 20 please refer to Vegetable and Fruit Display guidance page.

Guidance for Exhibitors of Vegetables and Fruit

  • Uniformity of size and shape is very important; the biggest may not be the best.
  • All entries should be clean; root vegetables should be washed but never scraped or brushed.
  • Beetroot, Carrots and Parsnips should be cut to leave tops of leaves and stalk which should be tied.
  • Rhubarb should have 3” of leaf remaining.
  • Runner Beans and Dwarf Beans should be exhibited with stalk attached.
  • Tomatoes shown with calyx attached.
  • Onions and Shallots should be ripe, firm and uniform with roots cut off, tops cut back and bound with raffia.
  • Potatoes should be medium sized for the cultivars and equally matched with no scab, pests, diseases or deep eyes.
  • Cabbages and Cauliflowers should have solid heads of even size. Cauliflowers should have leaves cut back to the front of the curd.
  • Courgettes may be shown with or without flowers with stems trimmed to 1cm approximately above the fruit.

  1. Four Dwarf Beans
  2. Four Runner Beans
  3. Three Beetroot  The N.V.S. Medal will be awarded to the winner of this category
  4. Three Carrots
  5. Six Shallots
  6. Two Cucumbers
  7. Two Leeks
  8. Three Courgettes
  9. Four Onions
  10. Two Lettuces, roots attached
  11. Two Garlic Bulbs
  12. Four Potatoes
  13. Ten Cherry / Small fruited Tomatoes
  14. Four Tomatoes
  15. Dish of any other Vegetable NOT mentioned above (for numbers please refer to Vegetable & Fruit Displayed’ page)
  16. Heaviest Marrow
  17. Plate of four apples
  18. Plate of eight berried fruit with stalks attached
  19. Plate of four stoned fruit with stalks attached
  20. Three sticks of Rhubarb – foliage cut to 3″ (inches)
  21. Four Carrots – NOVICE ONLY  ( See Rule 13)
  22. Four Tomatoes – NOVICE ONLY         “
  23. Four Dwarf Beans – NOVICE ONLY    “
  24. Four Potatoes – NOVICE ONLY           “
  25. Three Courgettes – NOVICE ONLY   “
  1. Heaviest root of Potatoes grown in a bag. (Potato and bag provided at the March meeting.)  Complete bag as grown to be bought to the Show for weighing. Foliage should be removed.
  1. COLLECTION OF VEGETABLES IN A BASKET OR TRUG Basket of vegetables for the kitchen arranged for effect. Not to exceed 18”x12”


Guidance for Exhibitors of Flowers

  • Check the Schedule carefully for the type of cultivars, colour, size and number of blooms required. In some classes extra foliage is allowed, otherwise use only the flowers own foliage.
  • Flowers should be fresh, fully developed, good quality blooms. They should be true to type, of good colour, well angled and evenly spaced on strong stems.  Flower and foliage should be free of blemishes.
  • Choose a vase (supplied by the Society on show day) which is in proportion to the number and height of stems and display each bloom to advantage. Don’t forget the water and remember the Judge will pick up every vase.
  • When exhibiting Sweet Peas, Roses, Dahlias and Gladioli, the variety should be displayed if known.
  • If possible please name variety of Roses, Dahlias & Gladioli


  1. One large Exhibition HT Rose – Any colour
  2. Two Sprays of cluster flowered Floribunda Rose
  3. Most highly scented Rose (judged on scent only)
  4. Two large HT Roses – any type or varieties
  5. Mixed Garden Roses arranged in a bowl or jug (Max width 30cm/12″)


  1. Three blooms, Small or Medium (115mm-220mm – 6” to 8.5” diameter)
  2. Three blooms, Pompon and or Miniature ( up to 115mm-6” diameter)
  3. One bloom Small or Medium (115mm- 220mm -6” to 8.5” diameter)
  4. One bloom Pompon or Miniature( up to 115mm-6” diameter)
  5. Three blooms any Dahlia ( can be mixed ) NOVICE (See Rule 13)


  1. One spike medium or small flowered
  2. Two spikes, any variety/ies
  3. One spike NOVICE ONLY


  1. A flowering house plant. – max 7″ pot.
  2. Vase of five stems of one variety, any garden flower not mentioned elsewhere in the schedule.
  3. A non-flowering pot plant – max 7” pot, not mentioned elsewhere in the schedule.
  4. A bunch of mixed culinary herbs in a container. (without flowers) Please name if possible.
  5. Vase of 5 Marigolds in a vase.
  6. Vase of 3 Hydrangea flower stems (any variety).
  7. A bowl of floating flower heads.
  8. A vase of 3 stems of Verbena Bonariensis.
  9. One specimen succulent or cacti – one plant in a pot not exceeding 7”
  10. One branch of flowering shrub, not mentioned elsewhere in the schedule.
  11. One specimen garden flower, not mentioned elsewhere in the schedule.
  12. A vase of 5 Cosmos.

To be displayed in an area 24” square.  A vase of mixed flowers (annuals, perennials, herbaceous) displayed with their foliage attached. (No seed heads or berries).

Guidance for Exhibitors of Floral Art

  • Floral Art arrangements should be displayed in water retaining material unless otherwise specified.
  • An exhibit is plant material with or without accessories using fresh flowers and foliage except when otherwise stated.
  • Materials may be bought.
  • EXHIBITS MUST NOT EXCEED THE SIZE SPECIFIED. If the dimension is as overall (as with a miniature or petite exhibit) the height, depth and width are all taken into account


  1. A petite exhibit not exceeding, 9″ all round.
  2. NOVICE: simple arrangement in a basket MAX 18”/45cm wide
  3. Hand tied nosegay MAX 12”/30cm wide.
  4. An arrangement of wild flowers and/or hedgerow plants MAX 18”/45cm wide.
  5. ‘A Celebration of Summer’ – 24”/60cm MAX wide.

Guidance for Exhibitors in Domestic Section


  • Use plain glass jars, NO Commercial jars or lids to be used. State type of preserve and full date of manufacture.
    Jams, Marmalades or Jellies –new twist top or waxed disc covered with cellophane top (when cold).
  • Lemon Curd – Waxed disc with cellophane cover.
  • Vinegar preserves – twist top with plastic lining or pliable press-on top. Must be at least 3 months old before exhibiting.
  • Make sure all jars are full to the top.


  • No packet mixes should be used and no item to be displayed in the container in which it was cooked unless otherwise stated.
  • All cooked entries must be covered in cling film.
  • Wine should be displayed in a plain glass bottle with an easily removable white-topped “T” cork. The wine should be named and dated using a small adhesive label


  1. One Jar of Raspberry Jam (not less than 340g/12ozs)
  2. One Jar of any Jam not mentioned in this section (not less than 340g/12ozs)
  3. One Jar of Strawberry Jam (not less than 340g/12ozs)
  4. One Jar of Blackcurrant Jam (not less than 340g/12ozs)
  5. One Jar of Jelly (227g/8oz approx)
  6. One Jar of Lemon Curd (227g/8oz approx)
  7. One Jar of Marmalade (not less than 340g/12ozs)
  8. One Jar of Chutney (not less than 340g/12ozs)
  9. Pickled anything – Any size jar.
  10. Victoria Sandwich using the 3 egg recipe given
  11. Treacle Tart using own recipe
  12. Chocolate Swiss Roll – using own recipe
  13. Three Cheese and Chive Muffins – using the recipe given
  14. Lemon Drizzle Loaf – using recipe given
  15. Four Sausage Rolls
  16. A Bread Loaf of your choice (baked at least the previous day)
  17. Gluten OR dairy free cake or savoury – please show recipe with exhibit
  18. Four Brownies – 5cm x 5cm/2” x 2” – using own recipe
  19. Three free-range hens eggs
  20. Bottle of homemade Wine
  21. Bottle of fruit infused Spirit
  22. Bottle of non alcoholic drink

Guidance for Exhibitors in Photography Section

  • Photos may be digitally enhanced, but not manipulated.
  • Classes are not open to professional photographers, and photos must not have been bought or offered for sale.
  • Maximum size – 7” x 5”
  • Photos not to be mounted


  1. Your Favourite Photo– JUNIOR CLASS – 16 years and under
  2. With Wings
  3. Garden Pest
  4. Dawn
  5. Sky

Guidance for Exhibitors in Handicraft Section

  • All exhibits not to have been previously shown
  • Handicrafts must have been completed in the previous two years and not previously shown.


  1. A soft craft, e.g. embroidery, tapestry, quilting, cross stitch, patchwork, lace. (not paper)
  2. Hard craft, e.g. wood, ceramic, pottery, metal. (width not to exceed 60cms/24”)
  3. A Bookmark, any medium
  4. A Watercolour of a garden flower
  5. A Greetings Card use of computer allowed
  6. An item of knitting or crochet
  7. A decorative Pin Cushion
  8. A soft Toy
  9. A Pencil Drawing
  10. A design for the front cover of the 2026 Yearbook (A5) – All ages
  11. Handwriting (not calligraphy) on an A4 sheet – see below for text




Age up to and including 11Yrs

  1. An arrangement of flowers in a jam jar
  2. Homegrown anything
  3. Decorate your initial on card or paper – up to A4 size
  4. Three decorated Fairy Cakes
  5. A Tea Pot made from vegetables
  6. Design a Party Invitation on a card
  7. A Beach in a seed tray
  8. A Painting of a Boat – up to A4 size
  9. Three Cornflake Cakes in paper cases


The Way Through The Woods

They shut the road through the woods
Seventy years ago.
Weather and rain have undone it again,
And now you would never know
There was once a road through the woods
Before they planted the trees.
It is underneath the coppice and heath
And the thin anemones.
Only the keeper sees
That, where the ring-dove broods,
And the badgers roll at ease,
There was once a road through the woods.

By Rudyard Kipling



When judging a collection of vegetables or a class containing mixed vegetables, each kind of vegetable is judged on points, which is governed by the difficulty of producing a perfect dish. The maximum points for a perfect dish will be listed below.

When exhibiting in classes 16 or 20 please use half the numbers quoted below or round up to the next whole number.

Numbers Max PtsNumbersMax Pts
12 Asparagus 152 Cucumber, Ridge & Outdoor15
3 Aubergines183 Leeks20
12 Beans, Broad 153 Lettuce 15
12 Beans, Dwarf French 152 Marrows15
12 Beans, Runner 18 5 Onions20
6 Beetroot, globe 155 Onions, each not over 8 ozs 15
6 Beetroot, long 183 Parsnips 20
3 Cabbage 1512 Peas 20
6 Capsicums 15 6 Potatoes 20
6 Carrots, long 20 24 Radishes 10
6 Carrots, other than long 183 Rhubarb, Natural 12
3 Cauliflowers 2024 Salad Onions10
3 Celery, American green 1815 Shallots, Exhibition 18
3 Celery, self-blanching 18 15 Shallots, Max 1” diameter 12
3 Celery, trench 203 Sweet Corn 15
6 Courgettes 1012 Tomatoes 20
2 Cucumber, House or Frame18 3 Turnips 15
NumbersMax PtsNumbersMax Pts
6 Apples 201 bunch Grapes (indoor)20
6 Apricots 162 bunches Grapes (outdoor) 16
5 Blackberries 1210 Medlars8
25 Gooseberries 121 Melon18
25 Raspberries 12 5 Nectarines 20
15-17ozs Red Currants 125 Peaches 20
15-17ozs Blackcurrants 126 Pears20
20 Damsons 89 Plums 16
3 Figs 16 20 Strawberries 16

For a full list of Vegetables and Fruit please consult the R.H.S. Show Handbook