Summer Show 2022
Summer Show 2022
Our Flower Show was held on Saturday 6th August in the Village Hall. The first since 2019!! A combination of sweltering heat and lack of rain this spring and summer made it a real challenge to produce a good show. However we managed it! Although flower entries were low, it was made up for by the wonderful array of vegetables, handicrafts, cookery, floral art and children’s exhibits.
The Broad Trophy for the best exhibit in the show was awarded to Clare Clark for her exquisite and delicious looking ‘Afternoon Tea for Two.’ Clare also won the Alice Bean Cup for cookery and the Pope Wine Tankard for homemade drinks. Other awards were the N.V.S. Medal which went to Linda Smith for her cherry tomatoes, Gail Williams Hook who won a cup for her photographic entries and Yvonne Newman who won the Barnco cup for the most points in the flower section. The Federation Cup and the Bob Dubbins Cup went to Lynda Martin for her beautiful roses.
The R.H.S. Banksian Medal, which is awarded to the person receiving the largest amount of points in the horticultural section, went to Nigel Harper. Nigel also won The Tillman Cup and the Kitchen Garden Cup for his quality vegetables and the West Grinstead Cup for achieving the most points in the Show! Ian Pinington and Barry Newman shared the Dahlia Cup and the Club Bowl for floral art and New Members Cup went to Jenny Blythe. The Marjorie Rhodes Cup was awarded to Alison James for her delightful handicrafts and Lorraine Oxley won the McLean Cup for her beautiful Gladioli.
The Littleworth Cup went to Patrick Letchka for the heaviest bag of potatoes grown from just one potato. Patrick achieved an amazing 2.81 kg ( 6lbs 3ozs). The John Anderson Award given to a non member was won by Jill Estebanez and the Childrens Trophies went to sisters 7yr old Ela Turgut and 9 yr old Daisy Turgut. The cups were presented by Libby Tate Harte the Vice President. Thanks were given to everyone who helped with the setting up on the Friday evening to the many helpers who worked hard to provide such a smooth running show. A big thankyou to the local businesses who generously donated some wonderful prizes for the raffle.
Thank you to Castrads, Coco Loco, Freeman Brothers, S.K. Hutchings Butchers, Kaori Slater Japanese Massage Therapist, King and Stevens, Louisa Jayne Hairdressers, Parkminster Products, The Partridge, The Prairie Gardens, Seawhites of Brighton, SOS Laundry Services, and The Windmill.
A huge thank you for all your entries, to our judges, to the committee members and helpers and to all who attended! Check out the image gallery and cup winners summary below.