Open Gardens 2018
Saturday & Sunday 16th & 17th June 11am-5pm
All in aid of various charities.
This ever popular village event is in its 7th year and has so far raised over £11,000 for various charities.
We are so excited about our 22 gardens which are opening this year, 6 of them are new! Each garden will have a charity box so any donations will be gratefully received.
It is a chance to see the beautiful designs, compact plots, hidden jewels and favourites from last year. Many of them will be serving refreshments and lovely homemade treats.
The Scarecrow trail is now a big part of the Village walkabout weekend as you go from garden to garden.
The leaflets with all the information will be available on the day from Bluebells Nursery situated next to Jolesfield Primary School, Littleworth Lane RH13 8JE. Copies will also be in the Village shops and will be delivered to all houses in the Partridge Green and Dial post Newsletter. The No.17 Southdown bus covers most of the route. Parking is available behind the village hall, and there are plenty of comfort stops along the way.