Outing to Wisley Autumn Flower Show 10th September. The coach will be leaving Partridge Green High Street at 8.30am and will return from Wisley at 5pm. The cost will be £12. If you wish to reserve a place please call Libby on 01403 711132 or email her on libby.tateharte@btinternet.com.
Category: News items
We would like to draw members’ attention to this new and important scheme, which is seeking volunteers. Details of how to take part can be found at www.npms.org.uk. [gview file=”https://pghorticulturalsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/national-plant-monityoring-scheme-flyer.pdf” height=”1000px”] [gview file=”https://pghorticulturalsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/EVERY-FLOWER-COUNTS-word-doc-for-parishes.docx” height=”2350px”]